I frequent an on line Expat Forum, not surprisingly the Libya section. It can be a useful place to get the latest information such as what the police are stopping expats for this week or to give incoming expats help with visa requirements or where to live etc. However a lot of pointless and petty arguments kick off that invariably end up in expat Vs Libyan battles with biased and ignorant comments from both sides. It gets a bit boring and causes the moderators of the site no end of grief. They've even received threats from irate locals whenever religion is touched on!
I posted the following thread under the title: How arguments start on the forum to poke a bit of fun at both sides and the various types of people that get involved.
Guide: Moel is a half Libyan/American guy who although proud of his Libyan heritage, was brought up in the states and misses his home comforts.
Julien is the owner of the site who ends up closing arguments and banning people.
A schawarma is a type of kebab and is just a metaphor for anything expats complain about.
How Arguments Start On The Forum
Expat1 "I bought a schawarma today for lunch, it was the worst I've ever had"
Expat2 "I agree, the schawarmas here are terrible! Can't wait to go home and get a good schawarma. LOL"
Local1 "Sorry, you didn't enjoy your schawarma, but if you goto my friend's cafe, you will get the best schawarma. Not all schawarma's here are bad"
Moderator "This post should be in the Classifieds section"
Expat1 "Thanks Local1, will try it out
Local2 "The schawarma's here are better than in your country. If you don't like them, leave"
Expat3 "All schawarma's are bad. Can't believe you can't get Tacos here
Local3 "The schawarma was probably made by a non-Local, Local schawarmas are the best. We don't like non-locals who can't make schawarmas"
Local2 "You want Taco ? Go home and eat Taco. I ate Taco once in your country and I was ill. And so was my dog that I gave it to when I couldn't finish it. Even rats wouldn't eat your taco"
Expat3 "You sound like the dumb local did in the schawarma shop when I asked for a taco. As long as your country fails to provide meat filled snacks from two different countries, it will never be anything"
Local4 "My friend told me about this forum, so I've joined to make 1 post and to be indignant about the way Expats talk about our schawarma. I will never post again, so don't worry"
Moel "I prefer smoked salmon, cream cheese and fresh basil on a bagel"
Local2 "Mo, we know you don't like Local food, you like US food. Why do you have to always go on about it ?"
Former Expat1 "I'm glad I now live in <<another country>> where there are a plethora of meat filled snacks. I will keep reminding you of this at every opportunity"
Expat55(Expat2 pseudonym)"I'm going for schawarma tonight with my friend, anyone care to join us ?"
Local4 "OK, I'll make 2 posts, then leave. I'm going to tell all my friends to come here and slag off the meat filled snacks in your countries"
Julien "Please, no more food topics"
6 months later
Newuser1 "Hi, I'm new (and statistically, Canadian) where can I get a good schawarma ?"
and go back to the top....
** apart from the grammar and spelling being much better, I think that's about right **
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